**Clever Fox**

Once a tiger got sick. All the animals came to take care of his service but the fox did not come. Seeing the absence of the fox, a hyena slandered the fox in front of the tiger. Then the tiger said, tell me when he comes. When the fox appeared in the service of the tiger, Hyena said, "This is Mr. Fox, who has been missing for so long." The tiger gritted his teeth and threatened to find out the reason for his absence. "I was looking for medicine for you," said the fox. The tiger said, what medicine did you get? The fox said immediately, "There is a grain-like object in the hyena's foot, it will be of use to you." And you have to figure it out yourself.
Upon hearing this, the tiger immediately put its paw on the hyena's ankle and made it ****. By then, the fox had quietly moved away from there. Then the hyena was walking past the fox, still bleeding from the hyena's legs. The fox said to the hyena in a sarcastic tone, O O Mojadari! Sitting in front of the king will think, what is going out of your mind?
In this sense, the poet said,
"You keep your tongue under control. If you talk without thinking, you will be in danger. Because usually danger comes because of speaking."
